Ambitious By Nature.

Small By Design.

Click is a partnership between two marketing experts who believe in the value of entrepreneurship & the power of independently owned businesses.

Our Values

These are the core values that govern the way we work, helping us to be our best selves and achieve spectacular results.

  • ◇ Do things the right way, even if that means breaking with tradition

    ◇ Don't follow the crowd without asking where they're going & why

    ◇ Use evidence & reason, not instinct, impulse, or personal preference

    ◇ Honor what makes each client unique to create bespoke strategy

  • ◇ Empower clients to independently evaluate marketing performance

    ◇ Avoid jargon & other obfuscations that create the illusion of expertise

    ◇ No bullshit allowed. Be honest & forthright in all circumstances

    ◇ No empty performances of progressive, justice-focused values

  • ◇ Dedicate significant time to continuing education

    ◇ Carefully analyze strengths & weaknesses in equal measure

    ◇ Embrace & adapt to changes in the digital marketing landscape

    ◇ Uncover the hidden factors that negatively impact performance

  • ◇ Give results time to develop. Marketing is a marathon, not a sprint

    ◇ Prioritize longitudinal data over anecdotal evidence or limited metrics

    ◇ Foundational work & due diligence steps are indispensable

    ◇ Find enjoyment in challenge; don't take the easy way out

  • ◇ Treat others the way we want to be treated

    ◇ Rebuke hustle culture—everyone deserves rest & time off

    ◇ Create a humane user experience for the audience

    ◇ There are no stupid questions. We love sharing our expertise!

Meet the Experts

❥ Lillian Payne ❥

Founding Partner

Sales & Operations

I started Click Marketing 5 months after giving birth to my first child—I love a challenge!

Lillian studied and worked in journalism before turning her focus to ecommerce and digital marketing in 2007, after working her way up from retail associate to Director of Operations for a Chinese import company. Lillian has 15+ years of experience optimizing and leading digital strategy and has worked with $1B+ sized brands all the way down to start-ups.

✦ Sarah Westwood ✦


Strategy & Support

I often go to art museums by myself—the combination of silence and inspiration is magical.

Prior to joining Lillian at Click, Sarah worked as a freelance copywriter & content strategist for 10 years. Her clients included major national brands such as Pottery Barn, Walmart and eBay. Throughout her career in marketing, Sarah has leveraged her studio art & liberal arts education background to create a unique combination of creativity & anaytical/critical thinking.

❀ Lily ❀

Company Mascot

I’m a very good girl!

Lily is Sarah’s adventure buddy/familiar. She doesn’t really work, but she does make office days a lot cuter.